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Adrestia Capital Partners is a bespoke litigation funder which provides monies to litigation claimants.  Adrestia was founded by senior individuals from the banking, funds, legal and FMCG arenas, and is backed by a major international investment fund. Details of the above are provided to prospective clients following entry into a non-disclosure agreement. 

Adrestia is currently finalising a group claim against the EU truck cartel. Clients include the largest FMCG companies in Europe with significant exposure to the cartel.

Adrestia continues to agree financing packages with such companies and would encourage large European corporates to contact us to discuss whether Adrestia can assist in recovering their losses from the cartel.


Claims in progress


Adrestia Capital Partners is fully subscribed for investment and is not currently seeking additional funding.


Litigation funding

Litigation funding is the process through which a third party may provide the financing required to enable litigation to proceed.

This is often due to cost, complexity, extended timescales and resourcing. Typically the claimant will not be exposed to costs if the claim fails, and will share proceeds with the funder in the event of a successful claim.

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